1. LBP officers and rank and file employees who fail to submit their HMO application forms within the set deadline shall be automatically enrolled for 2018 based on their CV 2017 enrollment plan, together with their CY 2017 qualified dependents (QDs) who remain qualified for enrollment in CV
2018. They shall be presumed to have conformed to the provisions contained in the application forms.
However, they are still required to submit their duly accomplished and signed application form the soonest possible time. This automatic enrollment shall not apply to their extended family members/other extended family members (EFMs/OEFMs). The automatic enrollment of QDs who are not actually included in the application form submitted for CV 2018 shall be cancelled unless there has been actual utilization by the concerned QD/s prior to cancellation. Corresponding premium payments and/or excess charges against ABL shall be due and demandable from employees concerned.
The approved minimum Plan for rank and file employees is Plan 800. Rank and file employees who opted to enroll under Plan 600 for CV 2018 shall be automatically enrolled under
Plan 800.
3. Principal enrollees who are on leave or on official travel during the period of enrollment must designate their authorized representatives to accomplish the forms on their behalf and ensure submission thereof on set deadline with the required proof of payments, if applicable.
Changes/Amendments in application forms must be made within the deadline through submission of new application forms clearly and conspicuously marked as "
REVISED APPLICATION FORM" supported by proof of payment, if applicable. The revised application forms shall supersede previously submitted forms which shall be disregarded and no longer returned to the members. Any concern in connection with this must be immediately communicated to the HMO Advisory Committee.
No New or additional EFMs and OEFMs shall be allowed under the 2018 HMO Health Plan; including parent/s and or children who were enrolled as QDs in 2017 who no longer qualify as QDs for CV 2018. (Please see the Terms and Conditions indicated in the attached HMO Application Form).
6. Relative to premium payments, please refer to the attached appropriate HMO Application Form
2018 (Annex B, for BODs/Officers; Annex C, for Rank-and-File Employees as applicable) for the
premium rates.
B. AVAILMENT OF MEDICARD SERVICES1. Only NEW enrollees shall be issued MEDICARD IDs for CV 2018. To avoid inconvenience during need of availment of health services, new enrollees/principal members may present their LBP ID while new QDs may present other forms of identification. MEDICARD IDs shall be available in
February 2018 as well as HMO Guidebook (PDF).
2. The following are the contact details of MEDICARD:
Enrollment Process:
MEDICARD Customer Service Counter, 23rd Floor, LANDBANK Plaza Tel Nos. 5220000/5512200/4507001 locals 2334/7638
Availment/Coveraqe: MEDICard 24-hour numbers: Trunk line (02) 841-
8080/Toll free Number — 1800-1888-9001
In-patient issues/concerns:In-Patient: (In-House Provincial Liaison Officer)
Office Hours: Monday to Sunday_8:00 - 6:00 PM just follow the voice prompt in the trunk line for Metro Manila and Provincial Hospitals
Provincial contact numbers for in patient
Mobile nos.: 0908 — 226 — 9529 / 0933 — 645 —
6754 (open for call & text)
Fax Number Metro Manila: 02 — 810 — 3177
Fax Number Provincial: 02— 864 - 0454
inpatient@medicardphils.comOut-patient issues/concerns: Out Patient Approval (open 24/7)Hotline: (02) 841-8080
Sun Cellular: 0933-308-0693 (Open for Call and
Additional SUN number (MediCard Textlink):
09257367862 (Text Only)
Globe Number: 0917 — 851 —2468 (text only)
Smart Number: 0908— 884— 1814 (text only)
Fax Number: (02) 867 — 8511