LBPEA Visayas
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December 15
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Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:36 am by sonia

Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:24 am by sonia

» A message from LBPEA Visayas Director SONIA D. BROTARLO
Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:30 am by sonia

A message from LBPEA Visayas Director SONIA D. BROTARLO
Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:30 am by sonia
Let us clarify some issues...  Sonia10

It has been two (2) years and six (6) months that this website was closed.  Many were disappointed with the closure but we have to keep up with the fast changing technology - facebook and twitter, among others.  
With the remaining one month and a half of my stint as Director for Visayas, I have been ruminative as to the manner of my “consummatum est” in LBPEA.  Thus  here I am re-opening the website pro hac vice for my grand exit. 
This is the medium where you first knew me and this is where I want to personally reach out to you to express my deepest and heartfelt “THANK YOU” for all the years that you trusted me. 

[ Full reading ]
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 Let us clarify some issues...

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Number of posts : 159
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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PostSubject: Let us clarify some issues...    Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:20 pm

Let us clarify some issues...
Jaims Prado

It seems the campaign for next month's LBPEA elections is starting to heat up. One issue after another has been thrown against the incumbent officers/candidates under ColaBEP. Unfortunately, the issues are baseless and anchored solely on mere speculations. Let me take on one specific issue.
The issue: COLABEP led by Pres. Lito Chua pushed for the adoption of the HMO under Third Party Administration (TPA) because they wanted to control the HMO funds and make a hocus focus out of them.
The truth : Pres. Lito Chua and company were trying to come up with an alternative for the traditional HMO in order to mitigate the adverse effect of the rising HMO premium, lower Annual Benefit Limit (ABL) and more stringent requirements being imposed by the HMO providers.
This move however did not set aside our persistent request for increase in total annual benefit (TAB).
Under the TPA, HMO funds (as proposed by Pres. Lito) will be under the control of the Health and Safety Committee, a Landbank-created committee composed of LBP senior officers, Middle Mgt. and LBPEA, or any other LBP-created committee BUT NOT THE LBPEA . Management of the day-to-day affairs will be the responsibility of the third party experts who will be hired based on the procurement guidelines provided under R.A. 9184.
The idea came about after Pres. Lito made a comparative data for the past 4 years of our HMO utilization. He found out that there is an average of 40.00 M per year of savings from our total premium paid against total utilization. He was inspired to made a further research and he discovered that some big corporations are actually utilizing the TPA system. DBP for instance is managing its own HMO.

Now, before somebody accuses Lito and Co. of ill-motives in painstakingly lobbying for the HMO under TPA, let him or her show first what he or she can offer in order to improve the LBPEA members' HMO coverage.
I hope this sets the record straight. You may refer to e-mails made by Pres. Lito Chua to all LBP units regarding the matter for better appreciation of the proposal.
Again I'm calling for vigilance and discernment on the issues being circulated as these might misled you into voting not the most deserving person.
Thank you.
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Number of posts : 159
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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PostSubject: Re: Let us clarify some issues...    Let us clarify some issues...  Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:32 am

“Don't underestimate your worth by comparing yourself with others.” VOTE WISELY!! VOTE LBP LBPEA admin MARIO ANTONIO BOARD REPRESENTATIVE FOR NORTHERN MINDANAO.

Mario Antonio
Lives in Zamboanga City
See friendship
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